Preparatory Math Course

Alle Infos zum Mathematik-Vorkurs sowie die genauen Tage erhaltet ihr hier in Kürze.

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Bär usually offers math pre-course over several days in which the Abitur material in mathematics can be repeated with the help of exercises. This course is usually held in the week before the OWo, i.e. in the penultimate week before lectures begin, and is excellent preparation for the module Mathematics for Chemists in your first semester. Although this module also aims to bring students of different knowledge levels on the same page, many students perceive the requirements as quite high. Therefore, it can be an enormous relief to have recalled some of the basics with this pre-course before the start of your lectures. In addition, the course offers the perfect opportunity to already get to know the campus and future fellow students.
