National and international project funding, support
1998-2000 INTAS-Coordination representative, Bologna, Minsk
1998-1999 Coorperation Bayer AG
1998-1999 Cooperation DuMont
1996-2005 Cooperation Hans-Knöll-Institute
1996-1999 Henkel KGaA
1996-1999 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SCHM1012-1
1997-1999 EVOTEC OAI, Hamburg
1995-1999 DAAD/SI Prof. Anders Hallberg, Uppsala Universitet, SE
1997-2002 Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
2002-2007 Schwerpunktprogramm DFG Alzheimer SPP 1085 SCHM1012-3
2003-2004 Novartis Pharma AG, Basel: NMR Probes
2004-2007 EU Framework 6: integrated project: APOPIS Verum Foundation
2004-2006 MSD Germany
2004- Roche, Basel: CNS
2005-2007 Schering AG, Berlin: CNS
2005-2007 BMBF: TSE – Neurodegenerative Diseases Prion Protein
2005-2007 DAAD
2007- BMBF Kompetenznetz Degenerative Demenzen KNDD (opens in new tab) BMBF Information on AD Research (opens in new tab)
2008-2011 EU Framework 7: Neuro.GSK3
2010-2013 BMBF MINDE – Molecular Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases in the Eye
2011- DFG GrK – Molecular and Cellular Reactions of Ionizing Radiation
2012 Breuer-Stiftung – Research Award on Alzheimer Disease