14.07.2022 | CRC 1487 seminar series (PhD/Postdocs): Leon Schumacher/Jan Welzenbach | Hannah Lamers


„PhD progress report project A02“

Leon Schumacher/Jan Welzenbach, Hess group (TU Darmstadt)


„PhD progress report project C05“

Hannah Lamers, Rose group (TU Darmstadt)


Date: Thursday, 14.07.2022, 13.30 – 15.00 pm

Venue: please attend the seminar in person (Campus TU-Lichtwiese, Darmstadt, building L6|01, ground floor, room 4 + 23) or access via Zoom

If you come in person, please be aware that you have to wear a mask. We kindly ask you to follow the general hygiene rules and ideally perform a fast test in advance before the meeting."