03.11.2022 | CRC 1487 seminar series (PhD/Postdocs)


„PhD progress report project B05“

Kilian Heckenberger, Thiele group (TU Darmstadt)


„PhD progress report project C02“

Bo Zhao, Zhang group (TU Darmstadt)


„PhD progress report project Ö“

Yannick Lagscha, Prechtl group (TU Darmstadt)


Date: Thursday, 03.11.2022, 13.30 – 15.00 pm

Venue: please attend the seminar in person (Campus TU-Lichtwiese, Darmstadt, building L6|01, ground floor, room 4 + 23) or access via Zoom

If you come in person, please be aware that you have to wear a mask. We kindly ask you to follow the general hygiene rules and ideally perform a fast test in advance before the meeting.