Conference ISSPIC XXI


The Schäfer group was represented at the “21st International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters (ISSPIC XXI)”, which took place in Berlin from 3rd to 8th of September 2023.

The objective of the conference is to be an interdisciplinary forum for presentation and discussion of fundamental and technological developments in the research fields involving finite size effects of materials at the nanometer scale. The symposium aims to provide an overview of new results, emerging trends, and perspectives in the science of atomic and molecular clusters, nanoparticles, and nanostructures.

Filip Rivic presented a poster on the topic “Magnetism of Single-Doped Paramagnetic Tetrel Clusters Studied by Stern-Gerlach Experiments: Impact of the Diamagnetic Ligand Field and Paramagnetic Dopant” and gave a Hot Topic talk entitled “Magnetism of Single-Doped Tetrel Clusters: Impact of the Diamagnetic Sn14 Cage on the Paramagnetic Mn Atom”. The results will be published shortly in the journal “Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)”.