Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald

Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald


work +49 6151 16- 21 650

Work L202 C 213
Peter-Grünberg-Str. 4
64287 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald
Technical University of Darmstadt
Department of Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry Phone: +49(0)6151-16-21650
Peter-Grünberg-Str. 4, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany E-mail:
Date and place of birth: May 1987 in Aachen, Germany
Research profile
  • Theoretical and Quantum Chemistry
  • Magnetic interactions and theoretical spectroscopy
  • Computational catalysis, photochemistry and electron transfer
Employment and academic vita
Since 11/2023 Professor for Quantum Chemistry (W3)
TU Darmstadt, Dept. of Chemistry
12/2018–10/2023 Professor for Theoretical Chemistry (W2, tenure track 12/2018–11/2022)
TU Darmstadt, Dept. of Chemistry
01/2017–11/2018 Research Group Leader in the Faculty of Science
50th Anniversary Prize Fellowship, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Bath, UK
04/2016–12/2016 Postdoctoral Researcher (Marie-S.-Curie fellowship)
Prof. Dr. L. González, University of Vienna, Faculty of Chemistry, AT
09/2014–03/2016 Postdoctoral Researcher
Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr
10/2010–08/2014 Research Assistant (PhD student)
Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr; IPTC, University of Bonn
Education and Degrees
08/2014 Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in Chemistry
Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr and University of Bonn
09/2010 Diploma (Dipl.-Chem.) in Chemistry
Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, University of Bonn
Prizes and awards
2022 Dozentenpreis, award of the chemical industry fund within the German chemical industry association (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, VCI)
2021 Award of the Dr. Hans Messer Stiftung
2021 ADUC Award of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
2014 Otto Hahn Medal of the Max-Planck-Society
2013 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
2008–2013 German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes; ideational scholarship)
Key research data
  • Leader of a research group with 2 postdocs, 6 PhD candidates, several B.Sc./M.Sc. students
  • 59 peer-reviewed research articles, reviews and book chapters, 32 as corresponding author
  • Funding from DFG, Leverhulme Trust, Merck’sche Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft e.V., NHR Verein e.V., Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
  • Vice-speaker of SFB 1487 „Iron, upgraded!” (2022–2025); speaker U. I. Kramm, vice-speaker C. Hess
Invited conference and seminar presentations (selection)
(09/2024) 7th European Colloquium on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Toulouse, France
08/2024 17th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference EuroBIC-17, Münster, Germany
05/2024 13th ESPA (Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications), Tarragona, Spain
09/2023 5th Conference of Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC), Japan
08/2023 Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry VI, Warsaw, Poland
07/2022 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), Canada
05/2022 Computational Catalysis Lecture Series, IIT Roorkee, India (virtual lecture)
09/2021 CataLight Young Scientist Symposium (TRR234)
Lecturing and teaching (selection)
Since 2019 Quantum Chemistry I, Quantum Chemistry II, Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry (M.Sc.)
Computational Applications in Chemistry (B.Sc., 50%)
2018 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK Professional Standards Framework
2017–2018 Introduction to Computational Chemistry, University of Bath, 2nd Year, 50%
Computational Chemistry Laboratories, University of Bath, 2nd/4th Year, 25%
Academic self-governance and commissions of trust (selection)
Since 2024 Member of the Hellmann committee for early career researcher awards of AG Theoretische
Chemie (AGTC; main organisation for theoretical chemistry in German-speaking countries)
Since 2024 Member of the selection committee on early career researcher awards at TU Darmstadt
Since 2023 Elected member of the department council, Dept. of Chemistry, TU Darmstadt
Since 2022 Elected member, Steering Committee of the research field Matter&Materials at TUDa
Since 2022 Member of the departmental committee on quality assurance funds for teaching
Since 2021 Representative in the Unite! Academic Forum
Since 2021 Member of the NHR4CES Resource Allocation Board
2022–2024 Member of ESRF Beamtime Allocation Panel C11
Services to the scientific community
Since 2024 JACS Au Early Career Advisory Board
2022/2023 Guest editor special issue “Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms” of Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (Wiley)
2020/21/22 Co-organiser Lorentz Center workshop „Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry“
2019/2020 Guest editor special issue “Germany’s Future in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: a Special Issue Celebrating DEAL” of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (Wiley)
Since 2018 Co-founder, Secretary General of the Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Society e.V.;
09/2018 Host of the Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry IV Conference (QBIC-IV)
Since 2017 Reviewer for scientific journals and international scientific funders (incl. DFG, US DoE, NCN)
CV Vera Krewald 2024-09 (opens in new tab)