Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald
work +49 6151 16- 21 650
L202 C 213
Peter-Grünberg-Str. 4
Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald | |
Technische Universität Darmstadt | |
Fachbereich Chemie, Theoretische Chemie | Tel.: +49(0)6151-16-21650 |
Peter-Grünberg-Str. 4, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany | E-Mail: |
Geburtsdatum und -ort: Mai 1987 in Aachen, Deutschland | |
Research profile | |
Employment and academic vita | |
Since 11/2023 |
Professor for Quantum Chemistry (W3) TU Darmstadt, Dept. of Chemistry |
12/2018–10/2023 |
Professor for Theoretical Chemistry (W2, tenure track 12/2018–11/2022) TU Darmstadt, Dept. of Chemistry |
01/2017–11/2018 |
Research Group Leader in the Faculty of Science (50th Anniversary Prize Fellowship) University of Bath, Dept. of Chemistry |
04/2016–12/2016 | Postdoctoral Researcher (Marie-S.-Curie fellowship) Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. L. González, University of Vienna, Faculty of Chemistry |
09/2014–03/2016 |
Postdoctoral Researcher Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr |
10/2010–08/2014 |
Research Assistant (PhD student) Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr; IPTC, University of Bonn |
Education and degrees | |
08/2014 |
Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in Chemistry Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, MPI CEC, Mülheim/Ruhr and University of Bonn |
09/2010 |
Diploma (Dipl.-Chem.) in Chemistry Prof. Dr. F. Neese, Dr. D. A. Pantazis, University of Bonn |
Prizes and awards | |
2022 |
Dozentenpreis, award of the chemical industry fund within the German chemical industry association (Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) |
2021 | Award of the Dr. Hans Messer Stiftung for early career researchers at TU Darmstadt |
2021 |
ADUC Award of the German association of university professors in chemistry in the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) |
2014 | Otto Hahn Medal of the Max-Planck-Society |
2013 | Participant at 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting |
2008–2013 | German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
Key research data | |
Invited conference and seminar presentations (selection) | |
(09/2024) | 7th European Colloquium on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Toulouse, France |
08/2024 | 17th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference EuroBIC-17, Münster, Germany |
05/2024 | 13th ESPA (Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications), Tarragona, Spain |
09/2023 | 5th Conference of Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC), Japan |
08/2023 | Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry VI, Warsaw, Poland |
07/2022 |
12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), Canada |
05/2022 | Computational Catalysis Lecture Series, IIT Roorkee, India (virtual lecture) |
09/2021 | CataLight Young Scientist Symposium (TRR234) |
Lecturing and teaching (selection) | |
Since 2019 |
Quantum Chemistry I, Quantum Chemistry II, Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry (M.Sc.) Computational Applications in Chemistry (B.Sc., 50%) |
2018 | Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK Professional Standards Framework |
2017–2018 |
Introduction to Computational Chemistry, University of Bath, 2nd Year, 50% Computational Chemistry Laboratories, University of Bath, 2nd/4th Year, 25% |
Academic self-governance and commissions of trust (selection) | |
Since 2024 |
Member of the Hellmann committee for early career researcher awards of AG Theoretische Chemie (AGTC; main organisation for theoretical chemistry in German-speaking countries) |
Since 2024 | Member of the selection committee on early career researcher awards at TU Darmstadt |
Since 2023 | Elected member of the department council, Dept. of Chemistry, TU Darmstadt |
Since 2022 | Elected member, Steering Committee of the research field Matter&Materials at TUDa |
Since 2022 | Member of the departmental committee on quality assurance funds for teaching |
Since 2021 | Representative in the Unite! Academic Forum |
Since 2021 | Member of the NHR4CES Resource Allocation Board |
2022–2024 | Member of ESRF Beamtime Allocation Panel C11 |
Services to the scientific community | |
Since 2024 | JACS Au Early Career Advisory Board |
2022/2023 | Guest editor special issue “Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms” of Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (Wiley) |
2020/21/22 | Co-organiser Lorentz Center workshop“ „Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry“ |
2019/2020 |
Guest editor special issue “Germany’s Future in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry: a Special Issue Celebrating DEAL” of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (Wiley) |
Seit 2018 | Co-founder, Secretary General of Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Society e.V.; |
09/2018 | Host of the Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry IV Conference (QBIC-IV) |
Since 2017 | Reviewer for scientific journals and international scientific funders (incl. DFG, US DoE, NCN) |
Lebenslauf Vera Krewald 2024-09 (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) |