
Here you can find an overview of teaching performed by members of the Lermyte lab

Mass Spectrometry

This English-language course is offered at the Master's level in the winter semester, and is primarily meant for Chemistry and Biomolecular Engineering students, although it is open to all interested students. The course is meant to familiarise the students with the basics of mass spectrometry. A tour of the Lermyte lab and the departmental MS facility will also be offered to students

Advanced Mass Spectrometry in the Biosciences

This English-language Master's level course is offered in the summer semester. Fundamental aspects such as ionisation methods, mass analysers, detectors, and data processing will be briefly covered, after which the emphasis will shift to the application of modern (tandem) MS methods to biomedical research, including such technologies as proteomics, ion mobility spectrometry, and covalent labelling of biomolecules. A tour of the Lermyte lab and the departmental MS facility will also be offered to students.

Guest lectures

We offer a number of guest lectures (in English), for example as part of the Protein Chemistry module in the Biomolecular Engineering M.Sc. degree. A number of 1- or 2-day hands-on experiments are also offered each year in the context of the Biomolecular Analysis lab course.