Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kolmer
Diplomarbeit 06/10 - 12/10, Promotion 01/11 - 07/15
Titel | NMR-Spektroskopische Analyse der Konformation eines Organokatalysators |
Arbeitskreis | PD Dr. C. M. Thiele |
Ort | Clemens-Schöpf-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Fachbereich Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Preise und Auszeichnungen
10/10 | Gewinner des 2. Wettbewerbs für Strukturanalytik des Jungchemikerforums Jena |
09/11 | SMASH Studentenstipendium |
10/11 | Gewinner des 3. Wettbewerbs für Strukturanalytik des Jungchemikerforums Jena |
07/12 | EUROMAR Studentenstipendium |
09/13 | SMASH Studentenstipendium |
1 |
Towards a Better Understanding of the Selectivity of an Organocatalyst FOR 934 meeting, Darmstadt, 12/12. |
2 |
Conformational analysis of small organic molecules using NOE and RDC data: A Discussion Doktorandentag des Fachbereichs Chemie, Darmstadt, 01/14. |
sonstige Veröffentlichungen
1 |
A. Kolmer, C. M. Thiele Towards a Better Understanding of the Selectivity of an Organocatalyst Joint EUROMAR and 33nd Discussion Meeting of the MR Spectroscopy Division of the GDCh 2011, Frankfurt, 08/11. |
2 |
A. Kolmer, C. M. Thiele Towards a Better Understanding of the Selectivity of an Organocatalyst SMASH 2011, Chamonix/France, 09/11. |
3 |
A. Kolmer, L. Kaltschnee, M. Haus, V. Schmidts, L. H. Peeck, H. Plenio, C. M. Thiele The influence of electronic modifications on dynamics and reactivity of Bis-NHC-complexes as observed by NMR spectroscopy EUROMAR 2012, Dublin/Ireland, 07/12. |
4 |
A. Kolmer, L. Kaltschnee, M. Haus, V. Schmidts, L. H. Peeck, H. Plenio, C. M. Thiele The influence of electronic modifications on dynamics and reactivity of Bis-NHC-complexes as observed by NMR spectroscopy GDCh FGMR 34th Annual Discussion Meeting, Halle, 09/12. |
5 |
L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling EUROMAR 2013, Crete/Greece, 07/13. |
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I. Timári, L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, C. M. Thiele, G. A. Morris, K. E. Kövér Measuring one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with improved resolution EUROMAR 2013, Crete/Greece, 07/13. |
7 |
A. Kolmer, C. M. Thiele Conformational analysis of small organic molecules using NOE and RDC data: A Discussion Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, Darmstadt, 09/13. |
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A. Kolmer, C. M. Thiele Conformational analysis of small organic molecules using NOE and RDC data: A Discussion GDCh FGMR 35th Annual Discussion Meeting, Frauenchiemsee, 09/13. |
9 |
A. Kolmer, N. Anderl, M. Rehahn, C. M. Thiele The stability of N-Heterotetracenes towards light and oxygen as investigated by NMR spectroscopy GDCh FGMR 35th Annual Discussion Meeting, Frauenchiemsee, 09/13. |
10 |
L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling GDCh FGMR 35th Annual Discussion Meeting, Frauenchiemsee, 09/13. |
11 |
A. Kolmer, C. M. Thiele Conformational analysis of small organic molecules using NOE and RDC data: A Discussion SMASH 2013, Santiago de Compostela/Spain, 09/13. |
12 |
A. Kolmer, N. Anderl, M. Rehahn, C. M. Thiele The stability of N-Heterotetracenes towards light and oxygen as investigated by NMR spectroscopy SMASH 2013, Santiago de Compostela/Spain, 09/13. |
13 |
L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling SMASH 2013, Santiago de Compostela/Spain, 09/13. |
14 |
M. Fredersdorf, R. Göstl, A. Kolmer, P. Monecke, S. Hecht, C. M. Thiele Investigation of the conformational space of a Diarylethene derivative using residual dipolar couplings Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference, Charlotte/USA, 02/14. |
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L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Applications of pure shift HSQC experiments with „perfectBIRD“ decoupling EUROMAR 2014, Zurich/Switzerland, 07/14. |
16 |
M. Fredersdorf, R. Göstl, A. Kolmer, P. Monecke, S. Hecht, C. M. Thiele Investigation of the conformational space of a Diarylethene derivative using residual dipolar couplings ORCHEM 2014, Weimar, 09/14. |
17 |
A. Kolmer, M. Köberle, M. Fredersdorf, A.-C. Pöppler, C. E. Müller, P. R. Schreiner, C. M. Thiele Understanding the origin of the selectivity of the organocatalyzed enantioselective acylation of 1,2-alkane diols GDCh FGMR 37th Annual Discussion Meeting, Darmstadt, 09/15. |