Dr. Julian Ilgen
Bachelorthesis 11/13 - 01/14, Masterthesis 11/15 - 05/16, Promotion 10/16 - 02/21
- Schnelle NMR-Akquisitionsmethoden zur Reaktionsverfolgung
- homonukleare Entkopplung in der 1H NMR Spektroskopie (pure shift NMR)
- Entwicklung von Pulssequenzen
Titel | Regulation der NMR-Spektrometertemperatur unter Verwendung flüssigkristalliner Phasen |
Arbeitskreis | Prof. Dr. C. M. Thiele |
Ort | Clemens-Schöpf-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Fachbereich Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Titel | Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Pure Shift-Experimenten in Anwesenheit starker Kopplung |
Arbeitskreis | Prof. Dr. C. M. Thiele |
Ort | Clemens-Schöpf-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Fachbereich Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Preise und Auszeichnungen
12/16 | Preis der Dr.-Anton-Keller-Stiftung an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt |
09/17 | SMASH Studentenstipendium |
09/18 – | Promotionsstipendium der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes |
09/19 | SMASH Studentenstipendium |
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E. Procházková, A. Kolmer, J. Ilgen, M. Schwab, L. Kaltschnee, M. Fredersdorf, V. Schmidts, R. C. Wende, P. R. Schreiner, C. M. Thiele Uncovering Key Structural Features of an Enantioselective Peptide-Catalyzed Acylation Utilizing Advanced NMR Techniques Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 15986–15991. 15754–15759 |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele A pure shift experiment with increased sensitivity and superior performance for strongly coupled systems J. Magn. Reson. 2018, 286, . 18-29 [JMR Most-read Publication Award in 2018] [Raw Data: DOI ] 10.23728/b2share.76f2f9e3f53d4fce90e2ac768102c34e |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele perfectBASH: Band-selective homonuclear decoupling in peptides and peptidomimetics Magn. Reson. Chem. 2018, 56, . [Raw Data: DOI 918-933] 10.23728/b2share.688901f6e4fe4b92bd0238715c3186bb |
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D. Sinnaeve, J. Ilgen, M. E. Di Pietro, J. J. Primozic, V. Schmidts, C. M. Thiele, B. Luy Probing long-range anisotropic interactions – A general and sign-sensitive strategy to measure 1H-1H residual dipolar couplings as a key advance for organic structure determination Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, ; Angew. Chem. 2020, 132, 5316-5320. [Raw Data: DOI 5354-5358] 10.6084/m9.figshare.11297651 |
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J. Ilgen, J. Nowag, L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, C. M. Thiele Gradient Selected Pure-Shift EASY-ROESY techniques facilitate the quantitative measurement of 1H,1H-distance restraints in congested spectral regions J. Magn. Reson. 2021, 324, . [Preprint: 106900 (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) | PDF (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) ] SI |
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J. J. Primozic, J. Ilgen, P. Maibach, M. Brauser, J. Kind, C. M. Thiele Pd-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of Cyclobutenes: From Double Inversion to Double Retention J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, . 15912-15923 |
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PSYCHE-EASY-ROESY goes quantitative: Extraction of 1H,1H-distance restraints from overcrowded spectral regions SMASH 2019, Porto/Portugal, 09/19. |
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S. Weißheit, J. Ilgen, A. Beimel, R. Kümmerle, P. Lendi, R. Hensel, D. Moskau, V. Schmidts, C. M. Thiele Regulation of Quadrupolar Splittings in NMR Experiments on Anisotropic Samples GDCh FGMR 37th Annual Discussion Meeting, Darmstadt, 09/15. |
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S. Weißheit, J. Ilgen, A. Beimel, R. Kümmerle, P. Lendi, R. Hensel, D. Moskau, V. Schmidts, C. M. Thiele Regulation of Quadrupolar Splittings in NMR Experiments on Anisotropic Samples SMASH 2015, Baveno/Italy, 09/15. |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele A variant to Zangger-Sterk decoupling with improved sensitivity Euromar 2016, Aarhus/Denmark, 07/16. |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele A Zangger-Sterck based pure shift experiment not requiring full spatial separation of coupling partners for studies of peptidomimetic oligomers ENC 2017, Pacific Grove/CA/USA, 03/17. |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele Novel Developments in Pure Shift NMR Using Perfect-Echo and Zangger-Sterk SMASH 2017, Baveno/Italy, 09/17. |
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J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele Ultrahigh resolution EASY-ROESY spectra with improved spectral quality GDCh FGMR 40th Annual Discussion Meeting, Leipzig, 09/18. |
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J. Ilgen, J. Nowag, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele PSYCHE-EASY-ROESY goes quantitative: Extraction of 1H,1H-distance restraints from overcrowded spectral regions SMASH 2019, Porto/Portugal, 09/19. |