Der Arbeitskreis Thiele

Dr. Lukas Kaltschnee


Masterthesis 10/11 - 04/12, Promotion 06/12 - 08/16, Postdoc 01/24 -


work +49 6151 16-21836

Work L207 5
Peter-Grünberg Straße 16
64287 Darmstadt


  • Charakterisierung von Stofftransport nahe Dreiphasenkontaktlinien mittels MRT (Teilprojekt A08 im SFB 1194 „Wechselseitige Beeinflussung von Transport- und Benetzungsvorgängen“)
  • Untersuchung von Wasserstoffkatalyse mittels Parawasserstoff-verstärkter NMR

Ausbildung & akademischer Werdegang

seit 01/24 Postdoc, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, im Rahmen des SFB 1194
09/17 – 01/24 Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institut für Mulitdisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften (ehem. Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie), Göttingen, bei Stefan Glöggler und Christian Griesinger
09/16 – 08/17 Postdoc, NIDDK/NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, bei Adriaan Bax
07/14 – 09/14 Forschungsaufenthalt, University of Manchester, Großbrittanien, bei Gareth A. Morris
06/12 – 08/16 Promotion, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt
10/11 – 04/12 Master-Thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt
06/11 – 09/11 Externe Hauptvertiefung, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz, bei F. Laquai
04/10 – 04/12 Chemiestudium M. Sc., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt
Schwerpunktfach Physikalische Chemie
09/08 – 07/09 ERASMUS-Auslandsstudium, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (Schweiz)
10/06 – 03/10 Chemiestudium B. Sc., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt
09/05 – 05/06 Zivildienst, Frankfurter Verein für soziale Heimstätten e.V.
08/96 – 07/05 Gymnasialer Zweig, Philipp-Reis-Schule, Friedrichsdorf
08/92 – 07/96 Grundschule, Frankfurt a. M. und Friedrichsdorf


Titel Effect of Coadsorbents on the Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. M. Grätzel
Ort Faculté des Sciences de Base, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; eingereicht am Eduard-Zintl-Institut für Anorganische und Physikalische Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt


Titel Untersuchungen zur Quantifizierung 1H-entkoppelter protonendetektierter Experimente
Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. C. M. Thiele
Ort Clemens-Schöpf-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Fachbereich Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt


Titel Development and Evaluation of Experiments for Pure Shift Solution-State Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. C. M. Thiele
Ort Clemens-Schöpf-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Fachbereich Chemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Preise und Auszeichnungen

01/13 – 12/14 Promotionsstipendium der Merck'schen Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft e.V.
09/16 – 02/18 P.R.I.M.E. Fellowship des Deutschen Akademischen Auslandsdienstes (DAAD)
02/17 Kurt-Ruths-Preis der Technischen Universität Darmstadt
06/17 Promotionspreis der Familie Bottling-Stiftung


1 Improving Signal Separation for Oligomeric Structures in Pure Shift HSQC Spectra
GDCh FGMR 37th Annual Discussion Meeting, Darmstadt, 09/15. (upgraded poster)
2 CLIP-COSY: Rapid Acquisition of COSY-Type Correlation Spectra with In-Phase Signal Character
5th Annual Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC 2017), Hilton Head Island/SC/USA, 02/17. (invited talk)
3 Hydrogen catalysis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase studied by parahydrogen enhanced NMR
43th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting, Karlsruhe, 09/22. (upgraded poster)
4 Hydrogen catalysis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase studied by parahydrogen enhanced NMR
Konstantin Ivanov Intercontinental Magnetic Resonance Seminar, online, 05/23.
5 Hydrogen catalysis of the [Fe]-hydrogenase studied by parahydrogen enhanced NMR
Kolloquium des Clemens-Schöpf-Instituts für Organische Chemie und Biochemie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 06/23.


1 A. Kolmer, L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, L. H. Peeck, H. Plenio, C. M. Thiele
The influence of electronic modifications on rotational barriers of bis-NHC-complexes as observed by dynamic NMR spectroscopy
Magn. Reson. Chem. 2013, 51, 695–700.
2 I. Timári, L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, C. M. Thiele, G. A. Morris, K. E. Kövér
Accurate determination of one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with “pure shift” broadband proton-decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments
J. Magn. Reson. 2014, 239, 130-138.
3 L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, V. Schmidts, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
„Perfecting“ pure shift HSQC: full homodecoupling for accurate and precise determination of heteronuclear couplings
Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 15702-15705.
4 M. R. M. Koos, G. Kummerlöwe, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele, B. Luy
CLIP-COSY: A Clean Inphase Experiment for Rapid Acquisition of COSY-type Correlations
Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 7785-7789, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7655-7659.
5 L. Kaltschnee, K. Knoll, V. Schmidts, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Extraction of Distance Restraints from Pure Shift NOE experiments
J. Magn. Reson. 2016, 271, 99-109.
6 I. Timári, L. Kaltschnee, M. H. Raics, F. Roth, N. G. A. Bell, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, D. Uhrín, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele, K. E. Kövér
Real-time broadband proton-homodecoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC for automated measurement of heteronuclear one-bond coupling constants
RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 87848-87855.
7 J. Kind, L. Kaltschnee, M. Leyendecker, C. M. Thiele
Distinction of trans-cis photoisomers with comparable optical properties in multiple-state photochromic systems – Examining a molecule with three azobenzenes via in situ irradiation NMR
Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 12506-12509.
8 E. Procházková, A. Kolmer, J. Ilgen, M. Schwab, L. Kaltschnee, M. Fredersdorf, V. Schmidts, R. C. Wende, P. R. Schreiner, C. M. Thiele
Uncovering Key Structural Features of an Enantioselective Peptide-Catalyzed Acylation Utilizing Advanced NMR Techniques
Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 15986–15991, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 15754–15759.
9 J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele
A pure shift experiment with increased sensitivity and superior performance for strongly coupled systems
J. Magn. Reson. 2018, 286, 18-29.
[JMR Most-read Publication Award in 2018]
[Raw Data: DOI 10.23728/b2share.76f2f9e3f53d4fce90e2ac768102c34e]
10 J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele
perfectBASH: Band-selective homonuclear decoupling in peptides and peptidomimetics
Magn. Reson. Chem. 2018, 56, 918-933.
[Raw Data: DOI 10.23728/b2share.688901f6e4fe4b92bd0238715c3186bb]
11 L. Kaltschnee, A. P. Jagtap, J. McCormick, S. Wagner, L.-S. Bouchard, M. Utz, C. Griesinger, S. Glöggler
Hyperpolarization of Amino Acids in Water Utilizing Parahydrogen on a Rhodium Nanocatalyst
Chem. Europ. J. 2019, 25, 11031–11035.
12 A. P. Jagtap, L. Kaltschnee, Stefan Glöggler
Hyperpolarization of 15N-pyridinium and 15N-aniline derivatives by using parahydrogen: new opportunities to store nuclear spin polarization in aqueous media
Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 8577-8582.
13 J. Ilgen, J. Novag, L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, C. M. Thiele Gradient selected pure shift EASY-ROESY techniques facilitate the quantitative measurement of 1H,1H-distance restraints in congested spectral regions
J. Magn. Reson. 2021, 324, 106900-106911.
14 S. Yang, P. Saul, S. Mamone, L. Kaltschnee, S. Glöggler Bimodal Flourescence/Magnetic Resonance Molecular Probes with Extended Spin Lifetime
Chem. Europ. J. 2021, 28, e202104158.
15 S. Korchak, L. Kaltschnee, R. Dervisoglu, L. Andreas, C. Griesinger, Stefan Glöggler
Spontaneous Enhancement of Magnetic Resonance Signals Using a RASER
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 20984-20990.
16 L. Kaltschnee, A. N. Pravdivtsev, M. Gehl, G. Huang, G. L. Stoychev, C. Riplinger, M. Keitel, F. Neese, J.-B. Hövener, A. A. Auer, C. Griesinger, S. Shima, S. Glöggler
Sensitivity-enhanced magnetic resonance reveals hydrogen intermediates during active [Fe]-hydrogenase catalysis
preprint 2023, bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.05.10.540199.
17 L. Kaltschnee, A. N. Pravdivtsev, M. Gehl, G. Huang, G. L. Stoychev, C. Riplinger, M. Keitel, F. Neese, J.-B. Hövener, A. A. Auer, C. Griesinger, S. Shima, S. Glöggler
Sensitivity-enhanced magnetic resonance reveals hydrogen intermediates during active [Fe]-hydrogenase catalysis
Nat. Catal 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41929-024-01262-w


1 L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, J. A. Aguilar, A. A. Colbourne, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Cross-relaxation rates from pure shift NOESY spectra
EUROMAR 2012, Dublin/Ireland, 07/12.
2 A. Kolmer, L. Kaltschnee, M. Haus, V. Schmidts, L. H. Peeck, H. Plenio, C. M. Thiele
The influence of electronic modifications on dynamics and reactivity of Bis-NHC-complexes as observed by NMR spectroscopy
EUROMAR 2012, Dublin/Ireland, 07/12.
3 L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, J. A. Aguilar, A. A. Colbourne, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Cross-relaxation rates from pure shift NOESY spectra
GDCh FGMR 34th Annual Discussion Meeting, Halle, 09/12.
4 A. Kolmer, L. Kaltschnee, M. Haus, V. Schmidts, L. H. Peeck, H. Plenio, C. M. Thiele
The influence of electronic modifications on dynamics and reactivity of Bis-NHC-complexes as observed by NMR spectroscopy
GDCh FGMR 34th Annual Discussion Meeting, Halle, 09/12.
5 L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, J. A. Aguilar, A. A. Colbourne, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Interatomic Distance Measurements Using Pure Shift NOE Experiments
54th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar/California/USA, 04/13.
6 L. Kaltschnee, V. Schmidts, J. A. Aguilar, A. A. Colbourne, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Interatomic Distance Measurements Using Pure Shift NOE Experiments
EUROMAR 2013, Crete/Greece, 07/13.
7 L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling
EUROMAR 2013, Crete/Greece, 07/13.
8 I. Timári, L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, C. M. Thiele, G. A. Morris, K. E. Kövér Measuring one-bond heteronuclear coupling constants with improved resolution
EUROMAR 2013, Crete/Greece, 07/13.
9 L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling
GDCh FGMR 35th Discussion Meeting, Frauenchiemsee, 09/13.
10 L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele
Pure Shift HSQC measurements with perfectBIRD decoupling
SMASH 2013, Santiago de Compostela/Spain, 09/13.
11 L. Kaltschnee, A. Kolmer, I. Timári, R. W. Adams, M. Nilsson, K. E. Kövér, G. A. Morris, C. M. Thiele Applications of pure shift HSQC experiments with „perfectBIRD“ decoupling
EUROMAR 2014, Zurich/Switzerland, 07/14.
12 Y. E. Moskalenko, V. Bagutski, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele
PDMS Gels as Alignment Media for NMR/RDC Analysis of Small Organic Molecules
ORCHEM 2014, Weimar, 09/14.
13 L. Kaltschnee, T. Imhof, K. Pulka-Ziach, Yu. E. Moskalenko, W. Bermel, C. M. Thiele
Improving Signal Separation for Oligomeric Structures in Pure Shift HSQC Spectra
EUROMAR 2015, Prague/Czech Republic, 07/15.
14 J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele,
A variant to Zangger-Sterk decoupling with improved sensitivity
EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus/Denmark, 07/16.
15 J. Kind, L. Kaltschnee, M. Leyendecker, C. M. Thiele
Monitoring a Four-State Photoisomerization Process via In Situ Irradiation NMR Spectroscopy
5th Annual Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC 2017), Hilton Head Island/SC/USA, 02/17.
16 J. Ilgen, L. Kaltschnee, C. M. Thiele
A Zangger-Sterck based pure shift experiment not requiring full spatial separation of coupling partners for studies of peptidomimetic oligomers
ENC 2017, Pacific Grove/CA/USA, 03/17.
17 J. Kind, L. Kaltschnee, M. Leyendecker, C. M. Thiele
Monitoring a Four-State Photoisomerization Process via In Situ Irradiation NMR Spectroscopy
ENC 2017, Pacific Grove/CA/USA, 03/17.