New Publication
Our article on introducing nanoscale pores into paper via mesoporous silica coatings has been published.
New Publication
Please check out our article on the pH and polymer amount depence on proton transport through mesopores.
New Publication
Please check out our just accepted article on polymer writing in mesopores using microscopes in Angew. Chem.
New Publication
Our article on selective binding of metal ions at nanopores to tune the ionic transport has been published.
New Publicaiton
Please check out our Review on visible light induced polymerization towards its application to nanopores.
New Publication
Our first article on polymer writing in mesoporous films is online! Please check out.
New Guest Scientist
Ming Zhou who will be working as a visiting scientist within our ERC project on 3D-printing and membranes.
New Publication
Check out our new article on using visible-light induced PET-RAFT polymerization for asymmetric polymer placement into mesoporous silica thin films.
Two PhD defense exams in two days. The second generation of SMARTIES PhDs successfully finished. Looking back on many adventures with such a great team while the SMARTIES were growing! CONGRATULATIONS Mathias and Daniel!
Picture: Smart MembranesPicture: Smart Membranes
Trip to Zoo Vivarium
Beginning of september the smarties met at the Zoo Vivarium. We enjoyed one of the last sunny and warm summer days with our colleagues between otters, zebras and butterflies.