Our academic year is divided into the winter semester (WiSe), starting October 1, and the summer semester (SoSe), starting April 1. Study visits are based on these periods and usually last one or two semesters.
An overview of all courses can be found in the Course Catalogue of our Campus Management System . You can generally choose lectures, seminars, tutorials and excursions as courses. For assistance and further information, please contact our International Officer Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Bär. And you can find all information about the study exchange at TU Darmstadt on the page of the TUCaN. International Student Office
If you come to TU Darmstadt as part of the Erasmus+ programme, you also have the opportunity to write a (opens in new tab). BA/MA thesis More information
Contact our international officer
Name | Contact | |
| Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Bär | international@chemie.tu-... +49 6151 16-22610 L2|04 D304 |