Welcome to the Thiele lab

Learn more about our research and group.

Prof. Dr. Christina M. Thiele

In our group, everything is about the structure elucidation of small organic compounds. In the field of organic synthesis, monomers and polymers based on amino acids are prepared and mechanistic studies of reactive intermediates are performed. Combined spectroscopic methods enable the investigation of processes, where the chemistry directly happens in the NMR tube. Especially the development and application of modern NMR experiments allow us to gain a deeper insight into the three-dimensional structure of complex compounds.

Research Areas

Interested in NMR, organic synthesis or structure elucidation?

Learn more about our research projects


For more information about the courses, please visit Tucan.

Thesis projects and practical courses are offered in the areas of organic synthesis and spectroscopic studies. For this we offer a group tour (digital if necessary). If you are interested, please contact Prof. Thiele .

L2|07 M3 – magents, molecules, materials