Daniel Klevinghaus receives Rainer Rudolph Prize


Daniel Klevinghaus together with PD Dr. Stefan Zielonka (right) and Prof. Dr. Harald Kolmar (left).

On the occasion of the Halle Conference on Recombinant Proteins, Daniel Klevinghaus was awarded the Rainer Rudolph Prize worth one thousand euros for his excellent Master's thesis. Mr. Klevinghaus studied Biomolecular Engineering at the TU Darmstadt. The research work for the master's thesis in the field of therapeutic antibody development was carried out at Merck under the guidance of PD. Dr. Stefan Zielonka and co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Harald Kolmar.

Every year, outstanding theses – from bachelor's to doctoral – on protein research are awarded by the Rainer Rudolph Foundation. The aim of the foundation is to promote basic and applied research in the field of protein biochemistry and biotechnology.