
Here you will find the staff of our group.

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Marcus Rose
Chemical Technology II
+49 6151 16-27290
L2|04 D112
Barbara Gantt
+49 6151 16-23286
L2|04 D111
Scientific Staff
Ph.D. students
Sarah Engelhardt M.Sc.
Mechano- and thermocatalytic depolymerization of polysaccharides.
+49 6151 16-23282
L204 F108
Valeriya Gerasimova M.Sc.
Doped Transition metal zeolites for selective oxidation of bio-based platform chemicals.
+49 6151 16-23295
L2|04 F107
Eric Haberhauer M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23290
L2/04 E7
Aileen Hübner M.Sc.
Selective hydrogenolysis catalysts for the development of sustainable bio-based C3 value chains.
+49 6151 16-23295
L2|04 F107
Leonhard Iser M.Sc.
Kinetic modeling of the selective hydrogenation of acetylene.
+49 6151 16-23294
L2|04 D110
Sebastian Kaul M.Sc.
Highly dispersed nickel catalysts from layered double hydroxides for (de)hydrogenation reactions.
+49 6151 16-23290
L2|04 E7
Niklas Kruse M.Sc.
Immobilization of metal-porphyrin complexes in hyper-cross-linked polymers for selective oxidation of bio-based platform chemicals.
+49 6151 16-23282
L2|04 F108
Hannah Lamers M.Sc.
Influence of promoters and poisons on iron (alloy) nanoparticles for the selective hydrogenation of alkynes to alkenes.
+49 6151 16-23295
L2|04 F107
Arne Nisters M.Sc.
Immobilisation of molecular catalysts on phosphine-based, hyper-cross-linked polymers: reactivity and stability in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide towards DMF.
+49 6151 16-23290
L2|04 E7
Phillip Palenicek M.Sc.
Catalytic amination of bio-based platform chemicals.
+49 6151 16-23295
L2|04 F107
Malte Schummer M.Sc.
Photocatalytic and photothermocatalytic ammonia production from molecular nitrogen and water under elevated temperature and pressure conditions.
+49 6151 16-23282
L2|04 F108
Tobias Wittmann M.Sc.
Non-conventional synthesis route of new catalysts for ammonia cracking.
+49 6151 16-23282
L204 F108
Technical Staff and Engineers
Martin Lucas Dipl.-Ing.
+49 6151 16-23294
L2|04 D110
Master Students
Simon Ludwig B.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23282
L204 F108
Dr. Navneet Kumar Gupta
Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Ph.D. students
Marco Buchmann Dr.-Ing.
Nutrinova Germany GmbH
Katalysator- und Prozessentwicklung für die Umwandlung von Kohlendioxid zu Diethylcarbonat
Michael Friedrich Dr.
Covestro AG
Selective hydrogenation of alkynes by SCILL catalysis
Artur Gantarev M.Sc.
Sebastian Hock Dr.-Ing.
Merck KGaA
Katalysator- & Prozessentwicklung für die selektive Acetylen-Hydrierung sowie Formgebungskonzepte in der Katalyse
Daniel Huth Dr.-Ing.
Immobilisierte Heteropolysäure als neuartiger Katalysator für die Herstellung von Oxymethylenether
Yasin Islam Dr.-Ing.
PM Group
Katalytische Decarboxylierung biobasierter Carbonsäure
Marouane Jaafour M.Sc.
Henkel AG
Hanna Kraffczyk Dr.-Ing.
Sensirion AG
Nanoporöse Polymernetzwerke: Strukturdynamik und Adsorption flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen
Gregor Meyer Dr.-Ing.
Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt
Mechanokatalytische partielle Depolymerisation von lignocellulosischen Rohstoffen zu funktionellen Glycanen
Johannes Niemeier M.Sc.
QSI, Rödermark
Heterogeneously catalyzed amination of biogenic alcohols.
Sara Lena Nophut Dr. Ing.
Immobilisation of molecular catalysts on porous phosphine organic frameworks for gas-phase reactions: Synthesis, characterisation and evaluation in a differential Berty and continuous fixed-bed tubular reactor.
Phillip Reif Dr.-Ing.
Covestro AG
Sustainable Production of Aromatics by Catalytic Aldol Condensation of Biomass-Derived Ketones
Lukas Rübenach Dr.
Jöckel Innovation Consulting GmbH
Neuartige poröse Polymere für die selektive Stofftrennung durch Adsorption und Nanofiltration
Timo Schäfer M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23290
L2|04 E7
Isabel Schroll (geb. Moritz) Dr.-Ing.
Entwicklung von porösen Polymeren zur effizienten Stofftrennung durch Adsorption in fermentativen Bioraffinerieprozessen
Miriam Seebach M.Sc.
Lewis-acidic porous element organic-frameworks for the catalytic conversion of carbohydrates and aldehydes.