Understanding NMR pulse sequences (SS 2013)
The lecture course “Understanding NMR pulse sequences” has the purpose to lead to an understanding how abstract pulse sequences lead to NMR spectra. This way the NMR spectra necessary for structure elucidation can be interpreted better and artefacts can be recognised.
The lecture couse will deal with one and two-dimensional NMR spectra (with emphasis laid on the latter). At the end of the lecture course the participants should be able to fully conduct the structure elucidation of organic compounds.
For a course on the aquisition of spectra see homepage (Meusinger). NMR lab
The lecture course in German starts at Tuesday, April 23th, 09:50 a.m. in L2|04 F2 and takes place every Tuesday.
The lecture at June 11th is moved to Thursday, June 6th in L2|04 F2.
The lecture at July 2nd is moved to Thursday, July 11th in L2|04 F4.
The lecture at July 9th will take place in L4|02 338.
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