Research and project areas
A01 Ab initio Modelling of Fe in Molecular, Surface and Bulk Environments Roser Valentí
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
A02 Structural Dynamics of Iron Molybdate Catalysts for Alcohol Selective Oxidation Using In Situ and Operando Spectroscopies and Diffraction Ulrike Kramm, Christian Hess, Barbara Albert
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
A03 Aktivitäts-StabilitätsActivity-Stability-Transport Correlations of Iron-Molybdate-Based Catalysts in Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethanol Bastian Etzold, Andreas Dreizler Department of Chemistry, Department of Mechanical Engineering
TU Darmstadt
A04 Activity-Stability-Transport Correlations of Iron-Molybdate-Based Catalysts in Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethanol
Angela Möller
Department of Chemistry
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
A05 Exploratory Syntheses of Oxoferrates and Iron Oxide Fluorides in Higher Oxidation States Florian Kraus
Department of Chemistry
Philipps-Universität Marburg
B01 Tailored Force Fields of Iron Complexes for the Precise Prediction of Redox Potentials Vera Krewald
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
B02 Synthesis, Physical and Catalytic Properties of Extended Macrocyclic FeN4 Complexes Herbert Plenio
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
B03 Understanding Electronic Structure and Reactivity of Open-Shell Iron Compounds by Solution NMR Spectroscopy Markus Enders
Department of Chemistry
Universität Heidelberg
B04 Prediction and Analysis of Magnetic Interactions in Iron Dimers Vera Krewald
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
B05 Combined Operando NMR and UV-Vis Spectroscopic Monitoring of Fe-Catalysed Cross Coupling Reactions Christina Thiele
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
B06 Precisely Embedded Iron/Nitrogen Catalytic Centers in N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Electrocatalysis Jörg Schneider
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
B07 In Situ and Multi-frequency EPR for FeNC Materials and Model Complex Alexander Schnegg
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion
B08 Influence of Clusters and Nanoparticles on the Electronic State of Iron in Single-Atom Catalysts of Type FeNC Ulrike Kramm
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
C01 Tailoring Magnetic Properties of Iron by Non-Equilibrium Interstitial Engineering in Thin Films Lambert Alff
Department of Material Science
TU Darmstadt
Interplay Between Magnetism and Crystalline Environments in Fe-Based Intermetallic Compounds Hongbin Zhang
Department of Material Science
TU Darmstadt
Toward Tetragonalisation of Bulk Fe-Based Alloys with High Defect Population Oliver Gutfleisch
Department of Material Science
TU Darmstadt
In Situ Monitoring of Iron-Catalysed Reactions by High-Field NMR Spectroscopy Gerd Buntkowsky
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Influence of Promoters and Poisons on Iron (Alloy) Nanoparticles for the Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynes to Alkenes Marcus Rose
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Influence of the Coordination Environment of Fe-Based Materials on the Electrochemical Stability Marc Ledendecker
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Influence of Tetrele Atoms as Ligands on the Optical, Magnetic and Redox Beauvoir of Fe Rolf Schäfer
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Electronic Structure and Redox Properties of Iron in Different Environments Studied by Valence and Core Level Spectroscopies Jan Philipp Hofmann
Department of Material Science
TU Darmstadt
Public Relations and Outreach Markus Prechtl
Department of Chemistry, Didactics of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Preparation of Reference Compounds Barbara Albert, Kathrin Hofmann
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
  • Data Management
  • Career Development
  • Equality
Ulrike Kramm
Department of Chemistry
TU Darmstadt